The ANRRC 2022 drew to a successful close

Closing Remarks of Toshihiko Shiroishi, the president of ANRRC

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I would like to thank you all for your cooperation in bringing the 13th ANRRC International Conference (ANRRC 2022), held on November 8-9, 2022, to a successful conclusion. Although the meeting was held in an online format, far more than expected attendees listened attentively for a long time.

The program of this meeting was organized by the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) chaired by Dr. Moriya Okuma, Head of Microbe Division (Japan Collection of Microorganisms), in RIKEN BRC. In cooperation with the ANRRC Executive Board members, the LOC prepared very rich programs for both in the oral session and the poster session. In the oral session, there were 6 themes including a special session, and very interesting and substantial presentations were given by experts from a variety of fields related to research resources. I appreciate the LOC members who worked day and night to make this meeting a success.

The Poster Session, held in a Zoom “Breakout Room” system, reminded me that one of the ANRRC’s major missions to nurture young people who will carry on the enterprise of research resource centers. I could visit almost all posters and had a great time discussing with the authors. The time made me realize that the great mission of ANRRC is making remarkable progress.

Despite the long hours, the number of accesses did not decrease until the close of the meeting. As I looked at the faces of those who waved goodbye to us after the conference, I felt confident that we are approaching the goal of the ANRRC: to promote sciences, technologies, and innovations, by facilitating the access to the research resources and their usability in the countries and regions of Asia and Oceania, and thereby to improve the human welfare.

Again, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all the speakers who willingly agreed to speak at the meeting, to the ANRRC Executive Board members for their supports and cooperation, and to all the attendees. Thank you very much.

Toshihiko Shiroishi

President of ANRRC,
Director of RIKEN BioResource Research Center, Japan


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