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The ANRRC 2022 drew to a successful close. (Nov. 9th)
Closing Remarks of Toshihiko Shiroishi, the president of ANRRC
Abstract (Final version 2022/11/01)
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Note that this version contains the description of how to visit “Zoom Breakout Rooms” for poster session at the last pages.
Welcome address
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is a great honor to welcome you to the 13th ANRRC International Meeting (ANRRC 2022), which will be held on November 8-9, 2022. RIKEN BRC is more than happy to host this meeting. Considering that the outbreak of “Omicron” variants of COVID19 is still continuing worldwide, we decided to hold the meeting in an online format, following the highly successful ANRRC 2021, which was hosted by NSTDA, Thailand, last year.
We understand that the goal of the ANRRC is to promote sciences, technologies, and innovations, by facilitating the access to the research resources and their usability in the countries and regions of Asia and Oceania, and thereby to improve the human welfare. Toward realization of this goal, the ANRRC International Meetings held in the past have worked tirelessly through the exchange of information and ideas on the most important infrastructure, research resources.
RIKEN BRC has established a Local Organizing Committee (LOC) chaired by Dr. Moriya Okuma, Director of Japan Collection of Microorganisms, and the LOC has made a program that is as rich in the content as the past meetings in cooperation with the ANRRC Executive Board members. In the oral sessions, all the participants will enjoy the lectures by experts from a variety of fields related to research resources. And in the poster session, the LOC adopted Zoom “Breakout Room” system, which allows the participants to enjoy discussions in a format like poster sessions in person. One of the major missions of the ANRRC is to nurture young people who will carry on the enterprise of research resource centers, and we encourage young researchers to actively join the poster session.
We regret that we will not be able to see you all in person, but I am confident that you will be satisfied with the contents of the meeting. I am sure the 13th ANRRC International Meeting will be fruitful for all participants and provide an excellent opportunity for renewal of friendship among the ANRRC members. I hope that all the participants will enjoy the meeting and it will further promote our cooperation.
President of ANRRC,
Director of RIKEN BioResource Research Center, Japan
No registration fee is required!

Poster Session
Please click here to view the poster presentations.
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Registration ID: 105-179
Registration ID: 181-228
Please visit “Zoom Breakout Rooms” to participate in poster sessions. How to visit it is described on the last pages of the Abstracts.
Guidelines for presentation at the ANRRC 2022
An important objective of the meeting is to engage in lively debate and to exchange information by sharing the latest research results and resource project, including those that have not yet been published. In order to achieve this objective, we ask you to follow the guidelines set out below with respect to presentations.
1. The following behaviors, which could seriously damage mutual trust among participants, are prohibited.
- a. To slander by audio and text transmission of a conference system.
b. Capture/save (including screen capture), photographic, video or sound recording of raw data presented or displayed at the verbal presentation venue or the poster venue without the permission of the presenter.
c. Disclosure of the above research data to a third party via SNS or similar media without the permission of the presenter.
2. Presenters are to take responsibility for the handling of information relating to patent applications, copyrights, and the like.
3. Presenters are required to disclose any conflict of interest in this meeting.
Handling of personal information at the ANRRC 2022
・ Personal information at the ANRRC 2022 is handled in accordance with the Protection of Personal Data at RIKEN.
・ The email addresses collected during registration will only be used to contact participants of the ANRRC 2022 regarding the ANRRC and the meeting.
・ As a promotional activity for the ANRRC and RIKEN BRC, group photographs (screen captures) of online participants are taken. The group photos taken will be used for promotional activity purposes on the ANRRC and RIKEN BRC website, and on the RIKEN BRC Annual Report.
Local Organizing Committee
Rikiya ENDOH
Satoshi IUCHI
Takehide MURATA